Ready to become WILDLY nourished?

I offer 1:1 coaching for the woman looking to:

  • transform her relationship with food while honoring her health

  • reclaim deep self-love and feel comfortable in her own skin

  • receive the tools and support to alleviate chronic health issues

  • create a self-care practice that energizes her body and soul

Whatever your unique goals are, I’m here to assist you in improving your health and deepening your sense of well-being in all areas of life.

You already have everything you need within you, right now in this present moment. I’m just here to guide you back to that inner knowing.

A few snippets of love notes from those I’ve worked with (find more testimonials here! <3):

Gillian has a beautiful ability to make others feel profoundly seen and validated, while holding so much space for anything and everything to be uncovered.
— Olivia

Gillian, you will never know how grateful I am to have your guidance! Every session together has been such a blessing to me and an opportunity to share, get curious and recalibrate my path. I can never thank you enough!
— Marjorie

Investing in Gillian’s services is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.
— Aaron


My work with anyone begins with a complimentary 1-hour clarity call where we dive deep together and tune into your desired vision.

We’ll discuss your life, nutrition, relationship with food and your body, current health concerns, goals you wish to reach and any obstacles you may be facing. I’ll share more about how I can support you on your unique healing journey and answer any questions you have to determine if coaching feels aligned for you right now.

As with all of my coaching, this session is done via Zoom video, which allows us to connect regardless of location.


Wildly Nourished is my 3-month coaching container that includes:

  • Clinical nutrition assessment and tailored recommendations to improve health and alleviate symptoms

  • Intuitive eating and mindful eating coaching to support you in healing your relationship with food and your body

  • Holistic mindset work to lower stress and deepen inner joy, safety, peace and confidence

  • Somatic exercises to release old patterns and embody how you want to feel

  • Spiritual and energetic support including guided meditation and Reiki healing

These are just scratching the surface of what we can work on! Our coaching is 100% customized for your unique needs and preferences- I address all of the above with some clients and focus mostly on one specific area with others.

I’m not a cookie-cutter nutritionist or health coach and this definitely isn’t a cookie-cutter program. It’s a sacred space we co-create every step of the way for you to come home to yourself, your wisdom, your worth, your well-being and your wholeness like never before.

The Wildly Nourished program is a total of 12 weekly sessions. From there, the majority of my clients decide to dive even deeper into their healing journey and continue our work together beyond the 3 months.

Wildly Nourished will support you in:

  • reaching your health goals in a way that feels empowering and exciting

  • building an intuitive, delicious and sustainable relationship with food

  • healing symptoms such as chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances and more

  • strengthening self-compassion, self-trust and self-love

  • listening to your body with curiosity and giving her what she needs

  • releasing old limiting beliefs and habits keeping you stuck

  • embracing your whole self in both body and soul

  • cultivating truly authentic health and well-being from the inside out

…and so much more!

My highest intention is always to tailor coaching to your individual needs and priorities, meeting you exactly where you are and guiding you to where you want to be in a way that works for you.

If you’d like to learn a bit more about me, my training and my coaching philosophy, you may do so here.

And if you have any questions before scheduling your clarity call, don’t hesitate to email me!

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
— Anaïs Nin

Ready to blossom into your most wildly nourished self?

Book your complimentary clarity call and let’s bring her to life!