Claiming the Love That Is Your Divine Birthright

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
— Rumi

I am Love.

You are Love.

We are Love.

This is our highest truth and feeling it is our absolute BIRTHRIGHT.

Unfortunately, most of us are disconnected from this Love on a day to day basis.

Many have never truly touched its fullness and don’t even believe in its existence.

There are a lot of reasons for this, including the following off the top of my head:

  • We often have deep trauma and wounds that keep us from feeling safe enough to explore the love within ourselves, or make us feel unworthy of receiving it

  • Our society conditions us to focus on our thoughts and logic in the 3D world (the material plane) over dipping down into our feelings and heart space (the emotional/spiritual realm)

  • We are busy trying to complete our to-do lists and don’t often feel like we have the time or bandwidth for accessing anything beyond what’s already on our plate

So, with all of these seeming obstacles, how do we learn to consistently tap into the magic of love which resides within us?

The simplest way to do this is to create the time and space to slow down, tune out the noise of the outside world, and tune into your inner world.

It has to be a conscious choice and commitment, regardless of anything that may appear to be standing in your way.

Let’s take a moment right here and now to journey into this Love together.

Beginning by tuning into your breath, your inhale and your exhale.

Not forcing or controlling them in any way, rather allowing them to flow as they please and settle into their natural rhythm.

Focusing only on breathing in and breathing out.

Letting everything else go for just a bit.

You may find that your breath starts to slow or deepen as you continue.

You may also notice thoughts in your mind or sensations in your body that feel like they are distracting you or keeping you from tapping in.

If they arise, allow them to be there as they are without judgment. They are part of the process.

Now, envisioning a glowing white light radiating right above you.

And imagining it pouring into the crown of your head and then going down into the rest of your body, all the way through your throat, your heart space, your arms, your stomach, your hips, your legs, until it reaches the very tips of your toes.

Take your time here, allowing this light to reach every last corner of your being until it permeates every single cell.

Every time you inhale, feeling this light sinking deeper into your cells.

Every time you exhale, gently allowing all that isn’t pure Love to fall away.

Offering your gratitude for the lessons. Extending your forgiveness for the pain.

And repeating this cycle.

Inhaling and exhaling.

In and out. In and out. In and out.

Slowly and deeply.

Over and over again.

Until nothing but the light of Love remains in this moment.

Letting it wash over you.

Letting it melt into you.

Letting every dimension of your being become it.

Saying to yourself with power and intention: “I claim this LOVE as my Divine Birthright.”

Repeating this affirmation until you feel and believe it fully.

Knowing that this sacred Love is who you REALLY are at your core.

And that it’s only when we are disconnected from our truest soul essence that we can’t feel it.

Now taking a moment to check in with yourself and notice where you are.

Connected to your breath.

Connected to your body.

Connected to your whole being, on every level.

When you’re here, you understand that love doesn’t come from thinking or doing. It arises naturally from BEING.

THIS is where the magic happens. It’s THAT simple.

We are often so busy DOING that we forget that all that we’re chasing is already within us.

So the remedy lies in creating the space to reconnect, starting within. To be present with that inner Love and understand that the only reason we couldn’t see it before was because it was buried underneath the endless layers of fear and conditioning that have taken us away from its truth.

By allowing yourself to just BE, you will undo everything that isn’t love within you. It will all melt away when you are deeply present and willing to release your resistance to what is.

As you consciously tap into this inner space, you will realize that the Love you seek isn’t outside of you, but rather has been right at your fingertips all along.

In any moment, you are able to dip down into this space and come home to the Love that you are.

You don’t need anything or anyone outside of you to feel it. You ARE it.

And when you really get that it’s always been here inside of you and always will be- it’s just a frequency you learn to tune into- this is the foundation that changes EVERYTHING.
